The pieces are designed to mirror the spirit of today’s woman. They are simple, elegant, wearable, and timeless. They not only become part of a collection, they become part of a her.
Much of my inspiration is drawn from childhood memories of my mother’s iconic jewelry. These pieces are still a part of who she is today. Like art – they transcend decades and all the stages of a woman’s life. This line is an expression of the female spirit.
It seemed inevitable that I would become a designer. I have always loved every aspect of jewelry. Even the taste. As a 3 year-old, I swallowed my mother’s diamond earring. In middle school I got an after-school job just to buy rhinestone jewelry (even though I was horribly allergic). I’d break out in terrible rashes, but nothing could stop me from adorning myself with sparkle. Finally, I remember the day I wore one of my own designs for the very first time, not to a fancy brunch or party, just to the grocery store. But it made me walk a little taller and smile a little broader.
A very fashionable woman stopped me, asking about the piece and who made it. I still get goosebumps thinking about it. When I told her that it was my own design, she floored me by offering to buy it right off my neck! That was the first day I felt like an actual designer. Every day since then my mission in life is to help every woman shine a little brighter.